Helping Flood Victims of Sri Lanka – 2017 May

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Helping Flood Victims of Sri Lanka – 2017 May” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:left|color:%23dd9933″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Sri Lanka has faced another great human tragedy; killing 91 people, 110 missing and over 500,000 displaced, without basic needs; all due to monsoon rain caused river over flow causing flooding. Many people who live in the lowland villages of Matara district of Sri Lanka are displaced and had lost all of their belongings.

ATBCMS joined, Dakshinara temple in Mount Lavinia Sri Lanka in supporting the victims by sending the following basic necessities; Rice bags (5kg), Coconut, Lentils, Potatoes, Onion, condiments, fish cans, Sugar, tea, powdered milk, cookies, water bottles, tooth paste, antiseptic, mosquito coils, matches, liters, bedsheets and towels. Within 24 hours of our call to devotees outpouring support came through and we exceeded our goal. Noteworthy to mention our children donated their minimum wages earnings from summer jobs.

Step 1:

Donation sum of  Rs. 100,000.00 (~CAD 873.00 @ Rs. 114.50/CAD) was immediately wire transferred to Dakshinarama temple and the monks quickly bought necessary items and took the risk of travelling boats to deliver them.

Step 2:

Donation Sum of Rs. 719,759.35 (~CAD 6,357.00 @ Rs. 113.20/CAD) sent to:

  1. Buy School supplies to kids affected by flooding
  2. Cash donations to rebuild Thebuwana Temple
  3. Cash donation to rebuild a house affected by flood

Please join us to share the merits to all those who were involved in this deed.


Ven. Athuraliya Ananda Thero’s Speech



Thank you note from a student 


Thebuwana Temple 

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Donation of Rs. 50,000 to Build a Home

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-donation-to-build-a-home”]

Athuraliya School

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-athuraliya-school”]

Preparation at Dhashinaramaya Temple

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-preparation-at-dhashinaramaya-temple”]

Akurassa Flood Victims

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-akurassa-flood-victims”]

Dampalla Elementary School

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-dampalla-elementary-school”]

Balakawala Elementary School

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-balakawala-elementary-school”]

Kithalagama High School

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-kithalagama-high-school”]

Pahiyangala Elementary School

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-pahiyangala-elementary-school”]

Unanvitiya Rewatha School

[envira-gallery slug=”flood-relief-2017-unanvitiya-rewatha-school”]

ATBCMS is a revenue Canada registered charitable society under
822092722RR0001 registration number.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]