4th Annual Katina Cheevara Pooja Ceremony – 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Annual Katina Cheevara Pooja Ceremony ” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:left|color:%23dd9933″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]

4th Annual Katina Cheewara Pooja ceremony of the Atlantic Buddhist Temple will be held on 16th – 17th of November under the prudent leadership of the Chief Sanga Nayaka of Canada and the Chief Incumbent of Toronto Maha Vihara, Most Venerable Ahangama Rathanasiri Maha Thero, most venerable Dickwelle Upatissa Thero and the chief incumbent of Dakshinarama Maha vihara Mt. Lavinia, Sri Lanka, most venerable Athutaliy Ananda Threo,  with the main sponsor of the Katina ceremony by Haresh, Ashika and Family.


Highlights of the Event:

[envira-gallery slug=”4th-annual-katina-pooja-2018″]


Complete Agenda for the event:

Past Events Related to Rainy Retreat Event

Invitation Ceremony

4th Annual Vassana (Rainy Retreat) Invitation ceremony of Atlantic Theravada Buddhist Meditation Centre will be held on Sunday July 29th, 2018. On behalf of all members and devotees of the centre, Haresh and family will be inviting monastics to observe Rainy retreat this year.

All Are Welcome!
