Introduction to Buddhism course – 8 Week Course
Introduction to Buddhism course
Location: Atlantic Theravada Buddhist Meditation Center
817 Herring Cove Road, Halifax
Duration: 8-week course
Start Date: 8th February 2018 Friday 7:00PM
Course fee: FREE
More details: Call/TEXT +1 (902) 580-5454
1. First Week
- Self Introductions
- Introduction to Three Buddhist sects
- Life of The Buddha (Brief)
- Triple Gem
2. Second Week (Wisdom)
- Four Noble Truths
- Eight-fold path
3.Third Week (Buddhist Morality)
- Ten unwholesome actions
- Ten wholesome actions
4.Fourth Week (Buddhist Morality)
- Four Brahma viharas
- Eight Wordily conditions (Ashta loka dharma)
5.Fifth Week (wisdom)
- The Five Aggregates
6.Sixth Week (Wisdom)
- Karma
- Rebirth
7.Seventh Week (Practice)
- Bodhisattva Ideal
- Ten perfections (Parami)
8.Eighth Week (Practice)
- Buddhist lay life
- Generosity, Morality and Mental Cultivation
- Important of Care for the dying and the dead