Our Mission

Our main objectives are to develop Buddhist qualities among the community and spread Buddhist teachings such as compassion, loving kindness and equanimity from the Atlantic to all over the world. – Venerable Sirinanda Thero
Mission Statement
Atlantic Theravada Buddhist Cultural and Meditation Society, established in January 2015, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, thrives to institute Theravada Buddhism among a wider global community, by promoting traditional Buddhist culture and emotional and spiritual growth, while disseminating the teachings of the Buddha to all irrespective of nationality and age.
The serene place of worship, the meditation sessions, the Dhamma discourses and other opportunities available for exchange of ideas are a blessing to us, in attaining inner peace and contentment. The Sunday Dhamma School provides a place of education for the young in Buddhist Philosophy and more importantly Buddhist culture, at the prime of life. We welcome you to be a part of this vibrant community and make use of the opportunities for your spiritual development.
Vision Statement
- To establish a permanent place to function exclusively for Theravada Buddhist religious, cultural and educational activities in Atlantic Canada.
- To provide a meetings place for those interested in learning, Dhamma and Buddhist culture, from qualified Buddhist monks.
- To facilitate Buddhist education activities within Nova Scotia, Canada.
- To deliver Bhavana (meditation) sessions and discourses throughout the Atlantic region.
- To disseminate the teachings of the Buddha (Dhamma) and Buddhist culture and rituals through public lectures, magazines, Buddhist library and newsletters published in print and electronically on the society website.
- To educate and guide children and youth on the traditional Buddhist culture and teachings that lead to peaceful living.
- To provide guidance and councelling from qualified Buddhist monks.
- To work collaboratively with all Buddhist organizations and sectors within Nova Scotia and Canada to guide spiritual nourishment among all, irrespective of ethnic and linguistic identities.
- To serve as a centre for benevolent activities to all those who are in need in Canada and abroad.
- To diminish stress and improve the emotional and psychological wellbeing via spiritual practices and mindfullness.