Annual Charity Food Donation – Serving Sunday Supper for 250 Homeless Community

Serving Sunday Supper for 250 Homeless Community

It is with great pleasure we announce that for the second time, Atlantic Buddhist Temple is conducting it annual Charity food donation by participating in the program called “The Supper at the Church” conducted by St. Andrews United Church.
Volunteers from the Atlantic Buddhist Temple is prepare and offering Sunday supper for about 250 for single men and women, youth, and families with young children.

At St. Andrew’s United Church
On Sunday 18th, June 2017 From 3:00PM – 6:00PM


  • Corn Rice
  • Potatoes (Fried with onions, butter, garlic and coriander leaves)
  • Lentils (Curry, cooked with coconut milk)
  • Stir fried Vegetables (Chinese Style)
  • Ice Cream


  • Food Preparation at the temple
  •  Serving food at St. Andrews Church
  • Cleaning afterwards
  • Donating food items (Prepared/unprepared)

“The Supper at the Church”, is a weekly meal served to 200-250 single men & women, youth, and families with young children. The supper operates with a large, dedicated volunteer base.

Please notify your interest to Reverend Sirinanda or Indra @

Highlights of Food Preparation

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